Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day Fifteen

This was our last morning on the boat. Kaylynn and Jimi woke up early and went to explore Isle Pinel. They tried to row in to avoid waking everyone with the sound of the dingy engine. They discovered that it is very hard to row an 8 person dingy against the wind. On shore they found a kind of hermit crab that lived on land, and great views of the boat and Orient Beach from the top of the hills.

Later, Tracy found a huge fish under the dinghy. It was about three feet long, with very sharp teeth. David jumped in the water and took some pictures with the underwater camera.

From the pictures it looks a lot like a Barracuda (though at the time we remarked that it seemed to be pretty fat and slow moving for a Barracuda).

Then we did a short but choppy sail back into Oyster Pond to turn the boat back in. We plugged into shore power and turned on the AC (for the first time in the trip). Packing and checking out was uneventful – they didn't even charge for the missing wind sock that had blown away during one particularly windy night.

Then the taxi came, and we were off to the Flamingo again (cue "Don't it always seem to go, you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone...."). At the Flamingo we discovered some fantastic flavored rum (we still don't know why they don't import them into the states). We bought a few bottles and packed them carefully in our suit cases (they made it back fine but seemed to evaporate from their bottles once we were back home...). We had dinner the last night back at Ciao - the same place we had met Tracy on the first day of sailing.

1 comment:

  1. That fish loved MEAT. We happily fed it a little bit of the leftover sandwich meat that was going bad and it had some giant teeth. David decided to go swimming with it!
